22nd European
Conference on
29 aug - 02 sep

Final copy

Instructions to submit the camera ready version of your paper accepted for ECAI or PAIS:

  • Use the same ECAI style that was prescribed for submissions at http://www.ecai2016.org/content/uploads/2016/03/ecai.zip
  • Page limits: 8+1 for long papers (the +1 is for references only), 2 pages for short papers.
  • Submit as a single ZIP file the last version of all your source files, including images, private style files if any, etc.
  • Produce a PDF file with all non-standard fonts embedded (If you are using Acrobat Distiller, select the job option Press Optimized.)
  • Upload your single ZIP file to https://goo.gl/0hT26E, using as the filename: <PaperNumber>-<SurnameOfFirstAuthor>.zip  (PaperNumber is the number assigned when you submitted, and used to communicate with you about reviews etc)

Deadline for submission: 8 July 2016, 23:59CET

This is a hard deadline. There will be no extensions to this deadline. Failing to submit your camera ready copy in time will result in your paper not being included in the conference proceedings.

Note that at least one author must register to attend ECAI in order for your paper to appear in the proceedings. Early registration rates end by July 5. Registration page can be found here.